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Résultats de recherche
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A whack on the side of the pulpit: overcoming barriers to creativity in preaching
1 de 10
Faith in the midst of mystery: a sermon series following intensive Bible study in the book of Job
2 de 10
Womanist theology as as aid to pastoral care
3 de 10
Utilizing a spiritual wellness tool to assist the pastoral caregiver in the dialogue of spirituality
4 de 10
The hope of the Gospel and the Christian funeral sermon
5 de 10
Rebuilding the future: future orientation and pastoral care of complicated bereavement
6 de 10
Preaching for biblical literacy: understanding the sermon as a teaching event
7 de 10
Increasing self-esteem through the use of narrative therapy and solution-focused brief therapy in . . . a women's spirituality group
8 de 10
Identifying and deconstructing dysfunctional aspects of core narrative which arise in future stories
9 de 10
Decreasing death-related fear and anxiety through the pastoral intervention of liturgy
10 de 10