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Preaching to Hong Kong immigrants in America
1 de 10
Meditating on the Law Imagining God's Reign through the lens of Torah in Pslam 1
2 de 10
The Impact of Stress on Ministry Effectiveness of Hong Kong Pastors Studying Counseling at HKICC with Implications for Hong Kong Seminary Training
3 de 10
Knights of the Table The Binding Nature of Worship at Salisbury School
4 de 10
Factors advancing or limiting evangelical mission in Ukraine
5 de 10
A comparison of Biblical and Tamajaq Wisdom Traditions: Insights for Christian Communicators
6 de 10
The Spiritual Vitality of Indigenous Monocultural Missionaries in India Associated with Missionary Upholders Trust
7 de 10
Equipping the next generation factors that enable leaders of Chinese churches in New York City to effectively equip their young adults
8 de 10
African-American churches that effectively engage men in the life of the church: perspectives on pathways to success
9 de 10
Church planting team leadership: balancing the demands of the church planting task and team care
10 de 10