Résultats de recherche
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Past, Future, and Present: A Ministry Journey Unstuck in Time
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Exploring the Key Elements of Southland's Church Renewal Mentorship Model for Adaptation into Mentorship Model Practices with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada.
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Developing Intimacy with God in an Anglican Context
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A project to discover attitudes toward women in pastoral leadership in the Canadian ARMBA
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Using appreciative inquiry and focused sermons to move congregational members of Cedarview Church in Paris, Ontario to develop friendships with non-Christian neighbours
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Introducing Post-Preaching Reflection and Assessing Its Impact on Selected Members of the Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church, Ontario Canada
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Developing an organizational environment to enhance and multiply effective ministry at Wallenstein Bible Chapel, Ontario: lessons learned from a pond
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The creation, implementation and evaluation of an evangelical curriculum to meet the Ontario ministry of education's requirements for comparative world religions
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Recapturing the evangelism mandate in Emmanuel Baptist Church, Exeter, Ontario
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Amalgamation in Cobourg Presbytery: challenge in ministry, ten years later
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