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Building Resilience in Korean Canadian Leaders at Non-Profit Organizations in Toronto
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Enhancing the Project director's Expository Preaching skills at Happy Church of Daejeon, South Korea, in order to Enhance Congregational Awareness of the Biblical Text
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Christian nurture through infant [school] : Sanggye Gwanglim Church 'Agi Hakyo' project
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Pastoral care of the congregation in female midlife crisis
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Building up a practical education program for the aged Christians : designing and carrying out senior worldview training retreat
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Developing Better Interreligious Dialogue and Collaboration with Korean Muslims: An Exploration in Focolare Spirituality
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A Korean Woman's Voice to Preach as a Transformed Shaman through Perichoresis-Kut
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A study of Bible study for formation of Christian identity of the North Korean refugees
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The calls of caring project of Masan Central Methodist Church for personal and social holiness in Wesleyan tradition
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Changing Attitudes Toward Life : Using Viktor E. Frankl's Logotherapy in Ministry with Christian Women in Church of the Lord, Anyang, Kyounggi-do, South Korea
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