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Résultats de recherche
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Factors That Influence Marital Satisfaction Among Remarried Couples
1 de 10
Qualitative research on the causes of burnout among North American Chinese Evangelical Free Churches pastors
2 de 10
Will practical Christian humility applied to Christian marriages raise marital satisfaction?
3 de 10
The effect of silence, solitude and meditation on spiritual well-being: resulting from a mentoring process
4 de 10
Increasing the Transformational Quality of a Sermon by Soliciting Input from the Congregation during the Sermon Preparation Process
5 de 10
Extending Beyond Self Resiliency in Christian Adoptive Parents
6 de 10
No Title Specified
7 de 10
Preaching and Teaching Jesus' Parables in a Narrative Fashion to Help People Embrace Kingdom Values
8 de 10
Reducing Compassion Fatigue by Implementing a Self-Care Initiative for Emergency Department Nurses in a Community Hospital
9 de 10
Developing a missional, evangelistic culture in the local church
10 de 10