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Résultats de recherche
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The design and development of an online encyclopedia of Canadian Christian leaders
1 de 10
Designing a Storybook Based on Matthew 19:13-15 to Share Faith with Primary School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2 de 10
A Model for Fostering Relational Growth by Using Appreciative Inquiry at New Life Adventist Church in Oshawa, Ontario
3 de 10
Developing and Implementing a Model for Discipleship through Student Missional Houses on the Campus of Queen's University
4 de 10
Spiritual Formation Shaped by the Potter's Hands Exploring the Impact of Spiritual Friendships in Small Groups Using Lectio Divina
5 de 10
Using the Ignatian Examen in Community to Encourage Spiritual Transformation
6 de 10
Developing Intimacy with God in an Anglican Context
7 de 10
Practical Enhancements to Willow Creek's Spiritual Continuum: Prayer, Mentoring, Small Groups, and the Cross
8 de 10
Spiritual Formation of Mature Believers: How Glencairn MB Church Deepened Mature Believers by Means of Spiritual Memoir Writing
9 de 10
An Online Discipleship Model of North African Isolated Christians from Muslim Background
10 de 10