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Adapting marketing concepts to help grow the United Methodist Church in Augustusburg, Germany
1 de 10
Equipping a group of church members to use mass marketing in order to attract visitors to church services
2 de 10
A public relations campaign for First Baptist Church, Mccaysville, Georgia
3 de 10
New creation fellowship: jump-starting the church through telemarketing
4 de 10
Finding viable prospects for the First Baptist Church of Affton through advertising, visitor recognition, and visitor registration
5 de 10
Marketing strategies in the planting of new churches by Wooddale Church
6 de 10
Developing a market plan for a local church
7 de 10
Marketing the church to increase first-time attenders
8 de 10
An evaluation of prospect discovery approaches for the Sunday school at South Reno Baptist Church
9 de 10
Involving the members of Northside Baptist a program to identify unchurched prospects through the use of direct mail..
10 de 10