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Résultats de recherche
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In Support of Feminine Leadership: A model for implementation in the African Methodist Episcopal Church
1 de 10
Without a Voice How Pastoral Care helps to understand the voice of those alienated by the church
2 de 10
A house divided
3 de 10
A training model: discovering the spiritual gifts in pastors to grow healthy congregations in the Capitol District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church - Washington Conference
4 de 10
The role of the Holy Spirit in local church leadership decision-making processes
5 de 10
Partners in faith and action: a statement of agreement and plan for urban ministry between the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Union for Reform Judaism
6 de 10
Developing transformational leaders for the twenty-first century African Methodist Episcopal church
7 de 10
Strategizing leadership for an African Methodist Episcopal church plant
8 de 10
Listening to our mothers: preaching pioneers in the ministry
9 de 10
The altar: tradition and transformation
10 de 10