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Résultats de recherche
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The stewardship of older adults in the church and within the broader community
1 de 10
The spiritual ministry of the aging homosexual man
2 de 10
Transforming Kowloon City Baptist Church into a fully-engaged and participating worshipping community
3 de 10
Praxis for the maturing body of Christ
4 de 10
Developing a strategy for ministry to emerging senior adults at McGregor Baptist Church, Fort Myers, Florida
5 de 10
Older adults utilize spiritual resources through Christian theology of caring
6 de 10
Empowering active older adults for ministry
7 de 10
The effects of teaching a Christian view of aging and a life review on 'retired' individuals in the local congregation
8 de 10
Coping with aging: a transgenerational curriculum for the local church that facilitates understanding of aging..
9 de 10
Establishing a support group and equipping members of the community and First Christian Church, Richardson, Texas to relate to aging parents
10 de 10