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Résultats de recherche
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Sacred bridges, holy play: a study of the contemplative function of the arts in liturgical worship
1 de 10
Transforming a traditional African American Baptist congregation through worship
2 de 10
The work of the people: engaging creativity in worship
3 de 10
Preserving the integrity of music in worship: defining and refining the process of selecting music that enhances the corporate worship experience
4 de 10
Heart, mind, soul and strength: engaging the listeners' whole being through the incorporation of creative arts into preaching
5 de 10
Fulfilling the creative call: establishing and nurturing artist-in-residency programs in religious communities
6 de 10
Pastor, can we talk? Leading collaborative worship planning in dialogue with the arts
7 de 10
Verve for the visual: Reformed and Presbyterian churches and visual display art
8 de 10
The transforming image: icon, symbol and introject
9 de 10
The Art of Community: The Community of Art
10 de 10