Resultados de la búsqueda
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Enhancing doctrinal preaching skills to increase congregational understanding of Baptist doctrines at Lockmar Baptist Church, Palm Bay, Florida
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Preaching doctrinal sermons to the congregation of Dry Creek Baptist Church in Dry Creek, LA
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Enhancing preaching skills to communicate selected doctrinal beliefs distinctive of Baptists to the congregation of Trenton Baptist Church, Trenton, Ky
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An exploration of the impact of dispensationalism on end-times topics
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A strategic communications and marketing plan for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia
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Teaching Baptist doctrine to new church members through mentoring
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A study of the effect of doctrinal preaching based upon the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message at Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, California
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Introduction of Baptist life and polity to a Chinese congregation
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The doctrine of free will in the Free Will Baptist movement: summary and discussion of its basic tenets, polemics and leading exponents
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