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Résultats de recherche
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A transferable orientation process for new student directors in the Northwest Baptist Convention
1 de 10
Equipping selected men of Perdido Bay Baptist Church, Pensacola, Florida, in biblical competencies for men's ministry
2 de 10
Implementing a process of leadership training at Calvary Korean Baptist Church utilizing value management paradigm
3 de 10
Equipping a selected group of members of the Sulphur Springs Baptist Church, Hillsboro, Alabama, as Sunday School evangelism coordinators
4 de 10
Equipping selected West Florida Christian educators in leadership coaching
5 de 10
Developing and using an assesment tool for Sunday school organization and administration in Hong Kong
6 de 10
Equipping the Sunday school teachers of Carrollton Baptist Church in Sunday school evangelism
7 de 10
A prospective member class for applicants for membership in the Maranatha Baptist Church of Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania
8 de 10
Proposing theological education programs in the context of the Korean language and culture as part of the mission-strategy in the MNYC
9 de 10
The development of a resource manual to aid in revitalizing the instructional dimension of the Baptist tee program in Mexico
10 de 10