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Flawed, complex, or faultless? : understanding the characterization of Joseph : a literary and exegetical analysis of Joseph
1 de 10
“Pain in childbearing”? : Seeing grief associated with parenthood in Genesis 3.16a as opposed to physical pain in the process of giving birth
2 de 10
Preaching expository sermons from Old Testament narrative texts: Genesis 11:27-25:11
3 de 10
Common Practices Of Pastors Who Maintain A Balance Between Administrative Duties And Evangelistic Outreach In Select Sbc Churches
4 de 10
Healthy Church Planting in Mexico: An Analysis of Multiplication Network
5 de 10
Pastoring Evolving Faiths: Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction in a Post-Evangelical Church
6 de 10
Developing a Biblical Response to the Providence of God and Natural Disasters at First Baptist Church of Collinsville, Mississippi
7 de 10
FOOD, FAITH, AND FILM: Cultivating a spirituality of Hospitality in a Presbyterian Congregation.
8 de 10
Welcoming People With Serious Mental Illness Into the Body of Christ
9 de 10
Using Springshare LibWizard as an Information Literacy Module to Improve the Research Skills of Students at Mississippi College
10 de 10