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Sharing Elijah's mantle: authority and relationship in dual pastorates in the Christian Reformed Church
1 de 10
Integrating biblical teaching and organizational wisdom in the work of pastor-church relations, Christian Reformed Church in North America
2 de 10
After the weekend is over: the long-term effects of the Reformed Cursillo in Northwest Iowa
3 de 10
Silent no more: a journey of a woman finding her voice
4 de 10
'Women in office' in relation to the role of deacons and thier delegation to 'major' assemblies: testing another approach to a debate within the Christian Reformed Church
5 de 10
Focusing a large rural midwestern Christian Reformed Church for effective ministry
6 de 10
Christian reformed church order: inclusive or exclusive?
7 de 10
A program to cultivate the practice of financial stewardship in a local Christian Reformed congregation
8 de 10
An introduction to missions for the Christian Reformed Church in Central America
9 de 10
Developing a consultation service with a handbook for long range planning toward church growth
10 de 10