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'Way to look, way to live': a youth worldview curriculum and teacher's manual
1 de 10
A youth curriculum for the Presbyterian Church of East Africa
2 de 10
Training lay leaders through the mentoring ministry in Saenuri Korean Baptist Church
3 de 10
Bad music: a case study in Christian education
4 de 10
Identity formation in the local church
5 de 10
Deschooling the church school: bicentennial reflections and celebration
6 de 10
Remember and share: an eight week educational project
7 de 10
Faith in Action: An Exploration of the Practice of Christian Principles in a Public High School Context
8 de 10
Growing the Church Through Catholic Education: Defining Catholic Identity in Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools and Employing Data for Improving Catholic School Mission and Culture
9 de 10
Developing a Method for Growing in Intimacy with the Triune God Through Knowing, Being and Doing.
10 de 10