Politics and the expository sermon: addressing issues while preaching biblically and ethically
1 of 10
The creation, implementation and evaluation of an evangelical curriculum to meet the Ontario ministry of education's requirements for comparative world religions
2 of 10
The language dilemma of African immigrant congregations: politics in the vernacular
3 of 10
Telling part of the story of the American Baptist heritage of religious liberty and church-state separation to adults in five Baptist congregations in Southeast North Carolina
4 of 10
Clergy political engagement in Zambia
5 of 10
Living in our faith, but under the law: striking the legal balance between God and government
6 of 10
Programmatic Board for the 'child care project'
7 of 10
Equipping church leaders for the political/social/religious transition in Hong Kong 1997
8 of 10
Methodist stewardship in Irish politics
9 of 10
A program to lead a select group of adults...to a better understanding of and a deeper commitment to the separation of church and state