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Résultats de recherche
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The Church and the Social Question
1 de 10
Evaluating post-confirmation church attendance at a rural church in Louisiana
2 de 10
Developing a disciple-making strategy to create a culture of discipleship at First Baptist Church, Haughton, Louisiana
3 de 10
Church hopping in the Diocese of Kampala
4 de 10
Holy Spirit gift activation, mentoring and leadership training to increase church attendance and godly commitment in emerging adults
5 de 10
Developing a strategy to connect students of Auburn University at Montgomery Alabama to local area Baptist churches
6 de 10
Building a church-planting culture in a confessional Lutheran setting
7 de 10
Ministry to inactives in a large congregation in a rural/small town setting
8 de 10
The doors of the church are re-opened: identifying socio-theological clues for helping African American men 30-40 years old back to the church
9 de 10
Church growth and the small congregation
10 de 10