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Résultats de recherche
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A study on 'the construction of the church building' for church growth with special reference to the care of the construction of Daeshin church building
1 de 10
A Study on the Education and Spiritual Formation for Church Construction in a Redevelopment Area: Focused on the Preparation for Constructing a New Dongkwang Church Building
2 de 10
A project to discover the attitudes of members concerning the development of a family life center at Davison Missionary Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan
3 de 10
Sacred space: a parish planning process
4 de 10
Assisting pastors in church building programs
5 de 10
The pastor as steward: the role of the spiritual leader in renovating and building church facilities
6 de 10
From vision to reality to new life
7 de 10
The effects of a church building project on a minister and a church
8 de 10
Planning church facilities: a resource for your church's long-range study committee
9 de 10
Building or renovating a church as it relates to the Reformed tradition
10 de 10