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Building cultural intelligence in an age of incivility : growing in CQ through holistic discipleship
1 de 10
Equipping Selected Leaders at Crossings Community Church, Katy, Texas, with Prospective Member Assimilation Skills
2 de 10
A better way to say hello: a pastoral program of parish registration at St. Petronille Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
3 de 10
Who will be the next 100?
4 de 10
When demographics and evangelism collide
5 de 10
Case studies in the assimilation of members into the African Baptist church in central Dallas
6 de 10
Assimilating new members into the Convent Avenue Baptist Church of New York City
7 de 10
Utilizing sponsors trained in the cultivation of 'friendship bridges' to assimilate new members into a church
8 de 10
Training established church members to assist in assimilating new members: Willowbrook Baptist Church, Huntsville, Alabama
9 de 10
Equipping Selected Adults of Marion First Baptist Church, Marion, Arkansas, with Essential Team-Based Assimilation Skills
10 de 10