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“Do you not know you are God’s temple?” : 1 Corinthians 3:9-17 and Paul’s relational anthropology
1 de 10
The Pulse of a Community: Incarnation at the Intersections
2 de 10
Developing and Implementing a Model for Discipleship through Student Missional Houses on the Campus of Queen's University
3 de 10
Spiritual Formation of Mature Believers: How Glencairn MB Church Deepened Mature Believers by Means of Spiritual Memoir Writing
4 de 10
Creating The Possibility for Healthy Change to a Community by Disturbing the Environment: The Priest as Gardner
5 de 10
More than music: strengthening music ministry through small group fellowship rooted in love
6 de 10
Communicating the practical applications of premillennial theology to a congregation through a preaching series
7 de 10
The challenge of keeping Sabbath as observed in the First Presbyterian Church of Rome, PA
8 de 10
Living into biblical community through healthy conflict resolution
9 de 10
Hands-on faith: a practical plan for a ministry of spiritual formation in local congregations
10 de 10