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Pet & pray the transforming power of grace and communion through God's beloved creatures
1 di 8
Intentional Sabbath-keeping in the parish; shutting down to open up
2 di 8
Measuring the effect that a twelve-week sermon series which incorporates modeling has on the motivation levels of attenders of Cross Community Church regarding biblical attitudes toward community with other attenders of Cross Community Church
3 di 8
A parish covenany: strengthening community and forming disciples for the work of mission
4 di 8
Be ye transformed: creating communities of greater spiritual practice where processes of transformation can flourish
5 di 8
To discover what concepts pastors of a select group of evangelical churches are employing to transform their churches into biblical communities
6 di 8
Bringing home the message: how community can multiply the power of the preached word
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Water over the bridge: exploring the connections in W Berry's vision of community
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