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Résultats de recherche
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Identifying and promoting effective spiritual leadership through the role of District Superintendent in the Northeast Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church
1 de 10
Effective use of the office of the district superintendent to encourage helathy disciple-making churches
2 de 10
The pastoral role of the United Methodist District Superintendent
3 de 10
The district superintendent as catalyst for prophetic ministries
4 de 10
The spiritual life of the district superintendent: barometer of vitality for the denomination
5 de 10
Body-building: the community life of the cabinet
6 de 10
Effective pastoral leadership for the small-membership church
7 de 10
Sowing the seed, anticipate the harvest: the district superintendent as church planter
8 de 10
From grief to greeting: supervising the pastor-parish relations committee and pastor through termination and start up
9 de 10
Future-driven planning: preparing churches for ministry in the 1990's
10 de 10