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Résultats de recherche
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The church and Latin American community development
1 de 10
'Cleanliness is next to Godliness': A theological reflection on the solid waste problem in Ghana
2 de 10
Transforming Kowloon City Baptist Church into a fully-engaged and participating worshipping community
3 de 10
HOLD the children: a contextual case study of a ministry of practical compassion in Haiti
4 de 10
Kingdom outposts: a church-based theology of relief and development with a demonstration project in Haiti
5 de 10
A critical analysis of preaching in the National Baptist Convention, USA, Incorporated: the socio-cultural and existential reality of women
6 de 10
Unmasking consumerism for the practice of relational discipleship within the contemporary American cultural context
7 de 10
An East Africa team's response to the challenges of global interdependency working among the poor
8 de 10
A research on the pastoral care for enhancing the quality of life/faith of the dual income family in a Korean rural church in the fast urbanizing area
9 de 10
Making a gospel impact through an NGO on the economy of northern Greece
10 de 10