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Résultats de recherche
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Developing a ministry evangelism strategy for Ridglea Heights Baptist Church, Escatawpa, Mississippi
1 de 10
Developing a ministry evangelism strategy for Central Baptist Church of Conway, Conway, Arkansas, to reach the Deaf community
2 de 10
Developing a Relgational Evangelism Strategy to Reach Millennials for Cumming Baptist Chruch, Cumming Georgia
3 de 10
Developing relational evangelism strategy for home groups at Harvestfield Church, Rainbow City, Alabama
4 de 10
Equipping selected members of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, West Monroe, Louisiana, to adopt an unengaged, unreached people group
5 de 10
Time to revive: wake up to the truth that transforms lives
6 de 10
Bridging a cultural gap: forming genuine Christian community through praying the Psalms with people from congregation and community
7 de 10
Equipping selected members of the Mount Gilead Baptist Church, Gilmer, Texas in a strategy of personal evangelism
8 de 10
Confirming through prayer governing principles that will guide the next decade of the cell church network in Brazil
9 de 10
Developing a strategy for Catawba Baptist Church, Rock Hill, South Carolina, to evangelize adults
10 de 10