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Why I’m Like This: Life in the Shade of a Dying Church
1 de 10
God's little church: spiritual renewal of families in the church
2 de 10
Shaping the future: the role of the local church in nurturing a Christian worldview
3 de 10
A study of effective strategies for bringing up new believers in faith from the early stage of faith to discipleship
4 de 10
Leading by example: the impact of a spiritual growth experience on a church staff
5 de 10
An evaluation of faith-sharing training in a United Methodist congregation
6 de 10
Equipping Selected Leaders of the Thomas County Baptist Association, Inc., with Personal Spiritual Formation Proficiencies
7 de 10
Launching Out into the Deep: Developing a Praxis of Digital Faith Formation of Young Adults in Tamil Nadu, India.
8 de 10
Pastoring Evolving Faiths: Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction in a Post-Evangelical Church
9 de 10
Developing a Holistic Religious Support Strategy for the Alabama National Guard's135th Expeditionary Sustainment Command
10 de 10