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Résultats de recherche
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Interfaith, crosscultural marriage ceremony--Christian, Hindu, Muslim: one pastor's journey
1 de 10
Methods and practices of evangelism and discipleship among Hindu communities in Malabar
2 de 10
Conversions and reconversions in South Gujarat: an analytical study of the responses of the converts and reconverts in the context of persecution
3 de 10
Revitalizing Malayalee pentecostals to evangelize Indian villages
4 de 10
Dialogues to foster interreligious understanding
5 de 10
Hindu awareness seminar
6 de 10
Encountering world religions: self identification through identification with the other
7 de 10
A field orientation manual for missionaries working in the Asian Hindu community of the Republic of South Africa
8 de 10
Modern Hinduism and a Christian response
9 de 10
The hindu and christian views of salvation according to the advaita vedanta and the new testament
10 de 10