Résultats de recherche
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Survivors in the congregation: a study of clergy interaction with survivors of sexual violence, with implications for the practice of ministry
1 de 8
Putting it to bed: the healing and reconciliation of incest
2 de 8
Trust, betrayal, and restoring trust: . . . effectiveness of pastoral psychotherapy by a male therapist with female incest survivors
3 de 8
God-images of incest survivors: implications for pastoral psychotherapy
4 de 8
A long journey into light: a primer for clergy on the understanding and care of female survivors of incest and domestic violence
5 de 8
Dynamics of forgiveness in a recovering adult victim of father-daughter incest
6 de 8
A feminist Christian approach to the sexual abuse of children by family members
7 de 8
Therapeutic alternatives to sexual abuse: the pastor's role
8 de 8