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Résultats de recherche
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Using the internet to plan a Roman Catholic wedding ceremony
1 de 10
Community enhancement on the Internet
2 de 10
Networking community: a look at the Internet and its potential for ministry
3 de 10
Defining Church in the 21st Century in an Age of Disruption: What we Take Forward, What We Let Go
4 de 10
A social media strategy to engage the unreached and unengaged people groups of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant Cluster of the North Africa and Middle East Affinity Group
5 de 10
Electronic discipleship: a mentoring method unbound by walls or distance
6 de 10
Using on-line sermon discussion groups to enhance the effectiveness of a preaching ministry
7 de 10
The optimal turning point for the development of E-generation Christian education ministry: an internet Christian education ministry model
8 de 10
I get by with a little help from my friends: clergy online groups
9 de 10
New opportunities for formation: rhythms of grace expands its dance
10 de 10