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The necessity of constant word and sacrament praxis for the propagation of Christian discipleship within United Methodism
1 de 10
Sacramental discipleship as a pathway to ecclesial reformation in the Free Methodist Church in Canada
2 de 10
The practice of holy communion: the impact of the sacrament on the mission of the church
3 de 10
Initiating spiritual growth through the sacraments in a local United Methodist church using the teachings of John Wesley. . .
4 de 10
Renewing Sunday worship through recovering the Eucharist: taken, blessed, broken, given
5 de 10
The development of a manual of study about the Lord's Supper for children in the Free Methodist Church
6 de 10
Developing a theology of the Lord's Supper in a United Methodist congregation
7 de 10
Developing a methodology for inclusive communion practice in a united church
8 de 10
Eucharistic piety and practice in American Methodism
9 de 10
A program for the nurturing of Catholic eucharistic piety among United Methodists through the study of pertinent writings of J and C Wesley
10 de 10