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Résultats de recherche
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Leading from the margins: recovering the Christian tradition of hospitality in church leadership
1 de 10
Transformation happens at the margins: shaping beatitudinal character of volunteers by embracing excluded, marginalized, inconvenient others at drop-in centres
2 de 10
Giving a voice to the voiceless: a qualitative study of reducing marginalization of ledbianism, gay, bisexual and same-sex attracted students at Christian colleges and universities
3 de 10
Affirming the suffering identity: re-writing suffering narratives of the Korean-American immigrant through small group Bible study
4 de 10
A research on the pastoral care for the marginalized children through John Wesley's social welfare ministry: ('result in the children care center of Neulmanna Methodist Church community')
5 de 10
Insider/outsider -- a cycle of discrimination: a perspective of an African-American clergywoman in the United Methodist Church
6 de 10
A biblical theological foundation for a Christian rites of passage model for young women with low self-esteem: beautiful daughter crying out loud, but no one is listening, and it hurts
7 de 10
'May I have a word?' Preaching from points of new location
8 de 10
Journey from the margins: toward a spirituality of accompaniment for ministerial leaders in Mindanao context
9 de 10
The people of Han, the ministry of hope
10 de 10