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A strategic communications and marketing plan for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia
1 de 10
Developing and implementing a church marketing plan to impact the community's perception of Cave City Baptist Church, Cave City, Kentucky
2 de 10
Marketing a post-racial transitional congregation for African American church growth
3 de 10
A plan to encourage church growth at Marlton Assembly of God, Marlton, New Jersey, through the use of church marketing and revivalism
4 de 10
Equipping a group of church members to use mass marketing in order to attract visitors to church services
5 de 10
Developing a local outreach target marketing strategy at New Victoria Baptist Church
6 de 10
Developing a marketing plan for Mount Vernon Baptist Church
7 de 10
Integrating marketing strategies as a methodology for church growth at the First Baptist Church of Avondale Estates, Georgia
8 de 10
Developing a marketing plan for a denominational program
9 de 10
The development and implementation of a marketing strategy for the local church
10 de 10