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Résultats de recherche
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Spiritual transformation of the congregation in a local church through lectio divina
1 de 10
Praying the scriptures: one church's Lenten experience
2 de 10
Creating a circle of light: enhancing spiritual vigor in the local church by experimenting with guided imagery meditation on scripture
3 de 10
The effect of silence, solitude and meditation on spiritual well-being: resulting from a mentoring process
4 de 10
Hearing God through meditative Bible reading
5 de 10
An examination of prayer styles: in search of bringing vitality to contemporary Christian prayer
6 de 10
Unconventional prayer practices
7 de 10
Directing the leadership team of the Newmarket Church of the Nazarene into the Christian discipline of discernment employing selected spiritual practices
8 de 10
Learning to listen for God's voice: teaching contemplative prayer and Christian meditation to Lutheran gen Xers and millennials
9 de 10
Intentional meditation as a service of worship: guiding a local African American Baptist church through silence into more meaningful worship
10 de 10