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Storytelling as a method of active purification of memory for reconciliation of Korean Carmelites
1 de 9
Help me remember this sermon: effective sermon forms to help Indonesian Chinese teenagers recall the big idea
2 de 9
Seeing is believing: photography and memory in the church
3 de 9
Toward a more helpful preaching technique in the nursing home
4 de 9
The impact of visual aids on memory in preaching
5 de 9
The remembered word: increasing congregational memory of sermons
6 de 9
Evaluating the effect of inductive narrative sermons compared to deductive didactic sermons to increase memory retention of Chinese church members
7 de 9
The effect of using three-dimensional visual illustrations to increase memory retention of the sermon theme in Air Force Chapel attendees
8 de 9
Sharing our stories, remembering our journey: congregational history in a culture of amnesia
9 de 9