Résultats de recherche
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The identification of stressors and their meaning for MTW career missionaries to Mexico
1 de 9
Member care needs for missionaries serving in high-risk locales
2 de 9
'New beginning': a reorientation program for veteran missionaries returning to ethnic ministry in the United States
3 de 9
Factors influencing North American missions men to remain sexually pure
4 de 9
Common stressors and coping resources for single missionaries of the International Mission Board
5 de 9
Self-identified retention factors by Western missionaries in Africa who have experienced traumatic events
6 de 9
Evaluating the effects on participants of summer mission teams sent out by Southeastern College
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The impact of the baby boom generation upon mission trends
8 de 9
The missiological impact of whether the heathen are lost without Christ
9 de 9