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Re-membering the body of Christ: a project to re-define the church and society committee of First United Methodist Church, Gastonia, NC, in order to implement social justice and change
1 de 10
How can a church truly be the body of Christ?
2 de 10
The family as the body of Christ: a systems approach to theology and education
3 de 10
Revitalizing the body of Christ: the systems theory of organizations applied to committee functions of Saint Paul Lutheran Church. . .
4 de 10
Growing as an inclusive community
5 de 10
A theological reflection on the body of Christ in the context of the organization and developing ministry of a new congregation
6 de 10
Reuniting a theologically divided church by helping its charismatic and traditional U Methodist members work together as the body of Christ
7 de 10
Building up the family of Christ: a systems approach to church development
8 de 10
A worship paradigm for incorporating new members
9 de 10
Spiritual gifts as a portion or 'the gather the family' approach to incorporation ministries
10 de 10