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Nuturing souls : a comprehensive examination of Lutheran spiritual care training for LCMS church workers in the 21st century
1 de 10
Ministry to inactives in a large congregation in a rural/small town setting
2 de 10
Developing a church planting resource book in an electronic format for the Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
3 de 10
Lutherans, animals and ministry: unleashing theology
4 de 10
Becoming who you are in Christ: a Lutheran and van Kaamian approach to spiritual growth
5 de 10
'Enter his gates with thanksgiving': rethinking the experience of Christian initiation
6 de 10
A partnership of support: a model for synodical ministry to clergy
7 de 10
A pastoral approach for the journey of healing and wholeness through sharing one's Latvian grief story
8 de 10
A look at the authority of the parish pastor
9 de 10
A theology and structure for multiple ministry in a large Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation. . .
10 de 10