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The prayer group as a way to relate faith to daily life in a Korean American church
1 de 10
Cursillo: from mountaintop to everyday, the success of the small group
2 de 10
New church development through Bible study and prayer groups (BSPGs)
3 de 10
Centering prayer: a pathway to healing and transformation
4 de 10
The Lord's Prayer: a model for small group prayer
5 de 10
Out of control: building a house of prayer experience (h.o.p.e) within a congregation
6 de 10
Multiplication of pastor-to-pastor prayer cells in Spokane for the purpose of spiritual revival and awakening
7 de 10
Prayer teams for ministry in a local Mennonite church
8 de 10
Developing an intercessory prayer ministry in the Lafayette Korean Baptist Church, Lafayette, Louisiana, based upon selected teachings of Jesus in the four gospels
9 de 10
Revitalizing the prayer ministry of First Baptist Church by training prayer leaders for prayer groups
10 de 10