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Communicating the Christology of New Testament Hymns to College Students
1 de 10
Pauline principles of contextualization in evangelism from his sermon in Acts
2 de 10
A biblical methodology for applying Gospel narrative based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17
3 de 10
Preaching the whole counsel of God: a strategy for preaching from Genesis to Revelation in the New Testament Church
4 de 10
An examination of the starting point of a preacher's sermon as either being the text or the audience
5 de 10
Preaching Christ on campus
6 de 10
The homiletic function of the hortatory subjunctives in the Book of Hebrews
7 de 10
Preaching the Biblical purposes of the church from the New Testament at First Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia
8 de 10
What is the function of unction? Exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in the speaker and in the audience during the act of preparation and preaching
9 de 10
The Baptist project: the voices of homeless preachers and their contributions to the renewal of pulpit preaching in the Catholic Church
10 de 10