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Sexuality education for tweens in grades 4-7: why now is the time for the church to fully embrace sexuality education for this age group and their parents
1 di 10
Christian teens connecting: sexuality and spirituality in the African American Church: a small group study
2 di 10
Teenage sexual morality: a supplemental resource on secular viewpoints, biblical teaching . . . and practical implications. . .
3 di 10
Equipping parents to cultivate Christian sexual values in their adolescent children
4 di 10
Designing a program for parents to teach a Christian interpretation of adolescent sexuality to preadolescent children
5 di 10
The role of the church in helping early adolescents deal with issues of sex and sexuality
6 di 10
A pastor-led program to equip parents to educate their children in human sexuality
7 di 10
A program of sex education for adolescents of the First Baptist Church of Greenwood, South Carolina
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A study of the Heidelberg Catechism and its adaptability to a program of sex education among young people
9 di 10
Equipping parents to be the primary Christian sex educators in their family
10 di 10