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Reaching Our Jerusalem: Developing and Implementing an Outreach Strategy to a Changing Rural Community
1 de 10
Covenantal community: how baptismal identity can keep the Korean Presbyterian Church of Westchester together
2 de 10
Sermons that go to work how preachers apply sermons to the workplace
3 de 10
Introducing Post-Preaching Reflection and Assessing Its Impact on Selected Members of the Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church, Ontario Canada
4 de 10
Preaching as a cultural formation tool
5 de 10
A needs assessment to create a preaching schedule to reach a local community
6 de 10
Experience matters: preaching and generation me
7 de 10
Embodied integrity: realizing the Holy Spirit via the social field in ecumenical conversation
8 de 10
Growing the local church through worship: one model for reaching new people, younger people, and more diverse people
9 de 10
A worship project on a multi-generational congregation: a case study of Wondang Church
10 de 10