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Résultats de recherche
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Beginning to weave the intricate web of relationships between minister and pastoral counselor
1 de 10
Road to 'Yuan Mun' Aging (Fulfilling Aging): Transforming Retirees to Active Volunteers
2 de 10
Off the beaten path: vital and relevant ministries outside the walls of the church
3 de 10
Role of the preacher's ethos in retaining Armenian evangelical youth
4 de 10
A pastor's personal power awareness: toward an understanding of a healthy view and use of power and authority for pastors
5 de 10
The roles of outsiders working in communities of the poor
6 de 10
Don't swallow that camel: developing a preaching ministry that produces transformation in a church's participation in justice-related ministries
7 de 10
The role of the female pastor's husband in the House of God Church Pentecostal Holiness denomination
8 de 10
Artful pastoral transitions
9 de 10
Church and society: a model to build bridges using charity, justice and advocacy to create an effective church
10 de 10