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The Church As a Multicultural Sports Team: A Model for Ministry Leadership Development for God's Coaching Staff
1 de 10
The applicability of sports ministry in Korea
2 de 10
The viability of partnerships between local German churches and Sportvereine
3 de 10
Obstacles that American suburban middle-class culture creates for the follower of Jesus Christ: how the growing influence of sports provides clues for compelling models of discipleship
4 de 10
Developing cross-cultural ministry awareness within the leadership team of the Baptist Student Union at Mississippi Delta Community College
5 de 10
A sport mission for Korean children by forming a youth soccer team in Gangnam Methodist Church
6 de 10
Developing a sports evangelism project for children for the churches of the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association, Covington, Kentucky
7 de 10
Home turf: a multicultural community at play
8 de 10
Training leadership for staffing and funding of international sports mission teams
9 de 10
Training Southern Baptist missionaries to use sports as a tool for evangelism, discipleship and church planting
10 de 10