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Résultats de recherche
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Changing The Way Sunday School Is Taught Through The Use of Experiential Learning Inorder to Assist the Congregation In Connecting Belief To Daily Living
1 de 10
Equipping Deacons at Moundville Baptist Church, Moundville, Alabama, with Essential Deacon Ministry Skills
2 de 10
The lion has roared: a seminar on preaching Old Testament poetry
3 de 10
The pastor as teacher
4 de 10
Using selected motivational principles to better equip Sunday school teachers
5 de 10
The preparation and use of a course on reciprocal Christian relationships in the local church
6 de 10
Toward identifying and developing essential teaching competencies for faculty members of Assemblies of God Bible Institutes, Philippines
7 de 10
Developing an initial teacher training program for children's ministries in the larger church
8 de 10
The selection and training of Sunday school teachers for increased effectiveness in pedagogy
9 de 10
Pedagogy and the Old Testament: a guide for teaching Hebrew scriptures
10 de 10