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Idol notions : exploring the impact of the second commandment on the Exodus community
1 de 9
Embodied Spiritual Practices for Brown and Black Bodies Exploring Sabbath Rest
2 de 9
Incarnational Preaching: The Three-Perspective Model of Timothy Keller
3 de 9
The place of the Ten Commandments in the Church of God pulpit
4 de 9
Shattering the lie that right and wrong are just personal choices!
5 de 9
Reading the word with the heart: Luther's Large Catechism and the practice of faith
6 de 9
A pastoral exercise with the Ten Commandments for the purpose of building a biblical base for local church programming
7 de 9
'Thou shall have no other gods before me': a Jungian approach to understanding the first commandment
8 de 9
Equipping a generation X ministry team to communicate effectively the ten commandments in a series of postmodern worship services
9 de 9