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"I Came That They May Have Life": Cultivating a Culture of Life in the Lutheran Parish
1 de 10
Nurturing men to wholeness: a forum for a local parish
2 de 10
Teaching theological anthropology in the Roman Catholic high schools: a qualitative study of the experiences of nine educators
3 de 10
A heuristic correlation of Kohutian psychology of the self and Pauline anthropology as a resource for pastoral psychotherapy
4 de 10
Overcoming stumbling blocks to nuclear disarmament
5 de 10
Bible camping for those with a mental handicap in theory and practice
6 de 10
The philosophy of Mencius and its significance for Christian mission
7 de 10
Stress release: a wholistic stress management seminar
8 de 10
The hindu and christian views of salvation according to the advaita vedanta and the new testament
9 de 10
The effects of Christian value-oriented death education and counseling on nurses' feelings about life and death
10 de 10