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Résultats de recherche
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A study of Taiwan's college student ministry inlight of the impact of postmodernism
1 de 10
Teaching an introductory course in Bible (New Testament) to undergraduates in a public college or university
2 de 10
Teaching homiletics inductively in the Bible College
3 de 10
Digital presence as institutional self-representation of four-year, Catholic Hispanic-serving institutions (HSI) : a critical re-imaging Latinamente
4 de 10
A study of university-oriented churches
5 de 10
An academic course on spiritual formation: understanding, developing, and implementing a strategy for spiritual growth of students in a Christian higher education institution
6 de 10
A working faith: examining the Christian faith at work
7 de 10
The roles of outsiders working in communities of the poor
8 de 10
Assessing and evaluating the nature and extent of plagiarism in one course at a Southern African Christian college in Kitwe, Zambia
9 de 10
Teaching preaching in a compressed college course
10 de 10