Why I’m Like This: Life in the Shade of a Dying Church
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A study of women in ministry in non-mainline churches in south Florida
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The common leadership qualities of Nazarene women pastors who have led good to great churches
3 of 10
When the minister has a baby
4 of 10
Weeping willows with the strength of oaks: assessing the psychosocial impact of four African American clergy women
5 of 10
Shall the women keep silence? finding our voices in the experience of a feminist hermeneutics and biblical interpretation preaching group
6 of 10
'I found God in myself and loved her fiercely': women's identity and CPE supervision
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Discovering and communicating pastoral identity through preaching
8 of 10
Women becoming ministers: reflections upon an all-women's clinical pastoral education group and the perspective these women bring to professional education for ministry
9 of 10
Clergy couples: an analysis of a new style of ministry in the Church of the Brethren