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Résultats de recherche
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Falling rings: group and ritual process in a divorce
1 de 10
The ministry of spiritual development: a case study of didactic pastoral counseling in the priestly tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
2 de 10
The revitalization of the Siver Street Mennonite Church: a case study on the use of selected change theories to help implement institutional growth and development in the church
3 de 10
Parable as a bridge between psychology and theology in supervision of CPE
4 de 10
'To every nation': ministry with the gay and lesbian community in an urban setting
5 de 10
The mentally retarded: an understanding of dynamics in ministry
6 de 10
The double yoke: married partners in co-ministry
7 de 10
Image clarification: implications for clergy and lay leaders
8 de 10
On holy ground : spiritual formation with a reformed accent
9 de 10
The illustrated sermon : a guide for the use and evaluation of metaphor in preaching
10 de 10