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Résultats de recherche
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Praying the scriptures: one church's Lenten experience
1 de 10
A time to laugh and a time to weep: reflections on ministry to new mothers
2 de 10
The religious role of dreams in black pastoral care
3 de 10
Preparing the way of the Lord: dream-work and religious experience in pastoral counseling
4 de 10
Dream vision as an inner supervision
5 de 10
Genesis house: journeys of transformation
6 de 10
The suicide call: a crisis ministry
7 de 10
Survivors in the congregation: a study of clergy interaction with survivors of sexual violence, with implications for the practice of ministry
8 de 10
Vision and reality of ministering to older adults in the Church of God: a case study
9 de 10
When the minister has a baby
10 de 10