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Sharper: A Proposal for Continuing Education within the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
1 de 10
The Plan of Salvation: A Fifteen-Week Christological Survey of the Scriptures for Saint John Lutheran Fraser, Michigan
2 de 10
The Mid-Week Divine Service: Its Theology, History, Usage and Implementation in a Lutheran Parish Church
3 de 10
'Where two or three are gathered...' : a study of multiple Christian congregations under one steeple
4 de 10
'Is it a savior?' : finding salvation in Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Batman
5 de 10
Non-Ethnic Incorporation and Cross-cultural Ministry of Migrant Churches: The case of The Ethiopian Churches in Los Angeles
6 de 10
Truthing in love : engaging conflict with the disarming love of God
7 de 10
Hispanic Pentecostal ministry in greater Grand Rapids : balancing calling and training toward a sustainable and healthy ministry
8 de 10
Confluence of care and mission in congregational systems
9 de 10
God's story, our story : a narrative approach for discovery of congregational identity and purpose
10 de 10